Lucy's work evolves from strong emotional elements of life such as unrequited love and death.I have decided to look at and examine the theme of ligfht and dark.By exploring this theme I am able to corner a certain element of Luc'ys work and concentrate on this area.Lucy May Schofield has created a service called bibliotherapy,bibliothgerapy consists of Lucy interacting and speaking,reading with the general public.This service allows people of all ages to take time out of their day to open up and relax.When Lucy mentioned this to us she mentioned that a variety of people use this service,all with contrasting feelings.
I intend to create a space or 'spaces' that Lucy can accomodate her clients,I also intend to look at the physicality and general emotions that tie in with this service
I intend to create a space or 'spaces' that Lucy can accomodate her clients,I also intend to look at the physicality and general emotions that tie in with this service